
You Don’t Have To Be A Guru

There are 2 types within the social media space. Those who think they are social media guru’s and then there are the amateurs.
Amateurs will succeed more often because they are curious and will experiment, and therefore learn.

As soon as social media became main stream, everyone strives to be the next big ‘expert’ in the subject – but why?
Is it because people see others rise to fame and fortune from their success with social media and want that for them or their business?

You won’t get there by becoming an ‘expert’ on the all-encompassing social media world.

Knowing how to setup the ultimate Facebook account or LinkedIn profile may help along the way of course, but it sure as hell won’t guarantee you success.

Instead, spend some time figuring out what makes you unique?
If you think of someone you ‘follow’ on social media, it’s because they have a unique difference. They came up with an idea, leveraged their strengths and knowledge for a particular subject and then acted on it.

I bet if you ask anyone doing well in the social media world they won’t call themselves a ‘guru’ or ‘expert’, in-fact I bet when they started doing what they do they wouldn’t have imagined being where they are now.

So, if you want to stand out too, then this is what you need to do:

Stay an amateur! Go back to basics and figure out what makes you unique. (Often this is an aspect of your personality or if for business your culture)
Understand what you know how to do really well
Think about how these things can be combined to be helpful to other people
Now do it!

As with most things, the last step is often the hardest!

And for once, just remember it’s OK to not know it all.